W-2 (2023)

"This was a great service. I was able to create and print out my w-2 in just 5 minutes. The step by step process was a breeze. Thanks again!" 

What Is A W-2?

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A W-2 form is used for filing taxes. It is a form that an employer must fill out and then provide to the employee during the tax filing season. A W-2 must have certain information listed on it, including wages earned and state, federal, and other taxes withheld from an employee's earnings. The W-2 form must be provided to an employee by January 31st so that they can file for the previous year's taxes.

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-Carrie M.

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What Is A W-2?

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A W-2 form is used for filing taxes. It is a form that an employer must fill out and then provide to the employee during the tax filing season. A W-2 must have certain information listed on it, including wages earned and state, federal, and other taxes withheld from an employee's earnings. The W-2 form must be provided to an employee by January 31st so that they can file for the previous year's taxes.

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"This was a great service. I was able to create and print out my W-2 in just 5 minutes. The step by step process was a breeze. Thanks again!" 

-Carrie M. is a privately owned website and is not affiliated with any government agencies is a privately owned website and is not affiliated with any government agencies

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